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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

No Updates for a Year!

Wow - how time flies! I can't believe it's been a year without any posts, so, what have we been doing with ourselves?

Well, we've had an amazing year in the wood: we've planted hundreds of trees, we've been looking at access to the wood and paths within it (nothing's been decided on this front yet), we've been working with Fordham school on various stages of the Seed to Tree program and we've been raising lots of money to help us manage the wood. We've also had our AGM and elected Gavin as our
new chairman.

The biggest thanks for this post absolutely have to go out to the kind people at eForest who gave us about 100 trees with the guards and stakes - thank you so much! Please take a look at their website - you'll be able to find out how much carbon you produce, how to reduce this and also how to offset some or all of it.

I've updated the Gallery section with some fantastic photos taken by Emma Sadler in December and May and some less fantastic ones that I took at the last couple of planting sessions.

Anyway, that's all for now - comings soon: Snail Wood goodies from our Cafe Press store!



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