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Sunday, June 18, 2006

Steering Group Meeting

This week we held the latest Steering Group meeting, after a few months where lots of things have been steadily ticking away in the background it actually feels like we're close to getting some things done.

So, what have we got coming up in the next few weeks? We're off to the GLT's home at Lawshall on Monday to have a look around and have a chat with them about the progress so far. I'm really looking forward to seeing the sort of thing we're aiming for, and I think we'll all find it useful to see what we could be doing.

Phil and Mandy from HFL are involved in an assembly at the local primary school during the week, Ric from the GLT will also be involved and there'll be a tree planting ceremony to officially mark the partnerships between HFL, the GLT and the school.

We've applied for a grant to help us clear the land involved in the project, and I'm looking at another possible source of funds this afternoon.

All in all, it feels like we're really starting to build some momentum now, so keep watching this space.

Next week I'll also be taking some new pictures of the wood in its current state, so they'll probably be up on the site during the week or over next weekend (depending on football games and whether I go to see Larrakin Love in Cambridge on wednesday).

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Template Updated

Between watching the football and drinking tea I've been playing around with the template on this page. I've been trying to match it in with the main site, and I think I've pretty much got it sorted now. There's a funny blank line between the logo and the nav bar, but I've got no idea why it even appears on the main site, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to get it to match!

The next thing to do is create some user ids for other members of the steering group, and teach them the joys of blogging. We've got a comittee meeting next week, which will probably be a good time to do it.

-Edit- Ok, I tried it in IE and there were some horrible problems with the formatting, which I fixed ok. I then went in to check it out in Firefox and I'd managed to create some even worse problems! Bloomin' Internet Explorer, grrr. Anyway, an hours worth of fiddling with some divs and it all seems ok in both IE and Firefox.

First Blog

Ok, Tom here. Posting the first blog on the Snail Wood blog page.

Never having used blogger before I'm not going to do too much.