From tiny acorns…….

Members of local Snail Wood Project Group helped children from Fordham Primary school collect tree seeds for planting in their tree nursery.
The Snail Wood group and Fordham Primary school children went on a seed hunt in Fordham woods to collect native trees seeds which they then planted in the schools tree nursery. The tree nursery was built for Fordham Primary by the Snail Wood Community Woodland Project Group. Once seedlings reach the desired height and age they will then be transferred by children from the school into Snail Wood which is a dedicated acre of woodland onsite at HFL Ltd.
The joint project between Fordham Primary and the Snail Wood group is dedicated to educating children about the environment, and the nursery is the first step of a long-term commitment to create a native British woodland for the local Fordham community.
Over the coming years, many tree seedlings will be planted and transferred from the school into Snail Wood to create the community woodland.