Busy, Busy, Busy (Part 2)
What a great couple of weeks we've had lately. Snail Wood feels properly up and running now as we've planted about 340 trees in the last few weeks.
The majority of these were planted on a lovely Saturday and we had a brilliant turn out of volunteers, mostly HFL staff and their families but with lots of help from the Regan family too.
On a personal note I have to admit to it being a horrible experience, but that's because I'd hurt my back a few days before and so had to sit (or stand) out on doing any physical work . Instead I generally made a nuisance of myself and wandered around taking lots of pictures (a selection of which are on the Gallery page). So, the planting session which I had been looking forward to a massive amount wasn't much fun for myself but was a great success for the Steering Group and Ellen in particular who's put a great deal of work into organising the trees, guards etc and had been fretting over the numbers up to the last minute.
The majority of these were planted on a lovely Saturday and we had a brilliant turn out of volunteers, mostly HFL staff and their families but with lots of help from the Regan family too.

However, we'd left a few trees over for those people who couldn't get to the planting on the Saturday and these were planted during Tuesday lunchtime. Which means I have managed to plant some trees in the wood, and it is a very satisfying process. I'd meant to write something on one of my tree tokens and plant it with the tree but I forgot. We've still got a few trees left as we ran out of deer guards so I'll try to do it when we plant those trees.
The hard work isn't over yet though as there's quite a bit of mulching still to do. Which I've been told is very hard work and not as much fun as the planting. Hmm, is that a slight pain in my back?